Enrollment Packet for Admitted Students Enrollment Orders Packet "*" indicates required fields 1Student Information & Required Purchases2Order Optional Merchandise3Order Optional Services Student Name* First Last Student is:* New Returning Entering Grade* TKK12345678Your Email*So we can send a copy of the filled out packet to you for your records. Required Fees and MerchandiseAny required fees and merchandise purchases have been added to your account in the tuition portal. This section is descriptive only.Middle & Upper Grade Bands - Snack Fee There is a short break before afternoon class for snack on days that classes run until 4:30. Snack fees (per grade band/per school year): Grade 3 - 5 stay until 4:30 on Wednesday. $110 Snack Fee. Grades 6 - 8 stay until 4:30 Tuesday through Thursday. $330.00 Snack Fee Backpack & Travel Bag Backpack: All students are required to have a Phoenix Backpack. New students in any grade purchase a Backpack at $55.00 each. Travel Bag: All students entering grade 6* are required to have a Phoenix Travel Bag, as are all new students entering grade 7 or 8. Travel Bag $75.00 each. * If your student was invited to participate in a Travel-Study Trip as a younger student opt-in, the Travel Bag was part of the Trip bill, so it will not be added to your account this year. IF you need a replacement pack or bag, please order it in the optional merchandise section below. Optional Merchandise: Do you need a replacement Phoenix Backpack?* Yes, I need a new Backpack No, we'll use last year's again Do you need a replacement Phoenix Travel Bag?* Yes, I need a new Travel Bag No, we'll use last year's again Additional Phoenix T-Shirts: You've already specified the T-Shirt size in the enrollment portal for the included T-Shirt for your child. If you'd like any additional T-shirts for your child or yourself, order them here. T-Shirts are $20 each. Please indicate quantity of each size ordered below:T-Shirt: Youth Small Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Adult Small Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Youth Medium Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Adult Medium Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Youth Large Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Adult Large Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Adult 2X Large Price: $20.00 Quantity: T-Shirt: Adult X Large Price: $20.00 Quantity: Optional Services: Lunch Information:Students bring packed lunches and a drink or water bottle from home daily. A school lunch of pizza, salad, and fruit (regular pizza OR Gluten-Free option) is available on Fridays and can be ordered on a per school year or on a pay-as-you-go basis. To order individual lunches, you must notify the teacher by 8:00AM each Friday morning. You will be billed through the tuition portal, or may send in payment with the student. [the annual rate represents a discount off the per day price, but is a flat per school year fee.]Friday Pizza Lunch*Pizza lunch* on Fridays: includes pizza, salad, and fruit for every Friday we're in school (excludes field trip days where lunch must be packed, Parents Day or Grand-Friends day pot-luck, and the Friday after Readathon Sleepover & Adventure Week Sleepover as lunch is included in the Activity fee). *Note: Friday Pizza Lunch does not include a beverage, although water is always available at the school. Please send a beverage or water bottle from home. Yes, Enroll my child in the Friday Pizza Lunch program @ $275.00 No, do not enr0oll my child, if we want a lunch we'll order individually @ $9.25 each After-School Information:After-School Care and Extended LearningProgram : The After-School Care and Extended Learning Programs run from 3:00 - 4:30, and include a snack and drink. There is no After-School or Extended Learning Program on Fridays. Students in grade TK - 2 who stay for After-School Care do supervised Extended Learning, then participate in an activity. The After-School Program provides an opportunity for students in grades 3 - 8 to do Extended Learning in a safe environment, with teachers available for questions or assistance if needed. Please note: For students in the middle and upper grade bands, the Extended Learning Program is not applicable to school days normally scheduled to end at 4:30 for that grade. Contracting for the school year provides a discount from the per-day rate. Students not on After-School Care or the Extended Learning Program contracts may sign up for After-School on a per day basis at $15.00 per afternoon. Students on contract may stay for extra days at the per-day rate. Please notify the school of any per-day or extra after-school days by emailing the school (cc to [email protected]) on that morning and sending in payment with your child. If payment is not made on the day your child stays, you will be billed weekly., Late pick-up: there is an additional charge billed for any pick-up after 5:00PM. After-School Care 4 Days/Week (available to TK-2 only) 3 Days/Week (available to TK-5) 2 Days/Week (available to TK-5) 1 Day/Week (available to all grades) No Thanks, we don't wish to contract for After-School Care Days SelectedPlease indicate days to schedule your child for the After-School Care or Extended Learning Program. Please note: Wednesday is excluded for Grades 3 through 5, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday are excluded for grades 6 through 8 since on those days dismissal is at 4:30 for those grades. Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday not sure which days yet, will notify by the start of school Total of Optional Merchandise & ServicesThese charges will be itemized on your tuition invoice and spread across the installment amounts based on the payment schedule you have selected in the tuition portal. TotalThis amount will be added to your account in the tuition portal PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ