Summer Adventures
2025 REGISTRATION is now open!
Programs for children who are 6-11 years old and Teen Leadership opportunities for youth 11-14 years old.
June & August Programs: $335 per week or $75 per day
Morning Activities: Children will be involved in active exploration as they learn, invent and build, and/or use technology and art materials to design solutions to various problems.
Lunch and Recess: Children bring their own lunches and drinks for each course. We ask that you pack a nutritious lunch and save sweets and soda for home.
Afternoon Activities: Because of the rich content of our courses, activities will continue into the afternoon following a break for lunch/recess. Swimming is an option at select locations when weather permits under the supervision of a certified lifeguard.
Locations: The Phoenix School, Winter Island, Forest River Park, and Salem State University’s Conservation Land and Salem Willows will be the locations for the programs this year. Not all locations are used each week; See weekly descriptions for locations.
Staff: Experienced Phoenix teachers, past and present, lead each Summer Adventure program; Full staff bios are below program descriptions.
June 16-20, 2025
8:30 am-3:00 pm
Ages 6 to 11 * $335 per week or $75 per day
Combine nature and your imagination as you explore the outdoor world. Make up your own fairy tale that relates to the habitats we investigate. Imagine a new original character and then turn yourself into that character by making a simple costume. Create a raft that can float a person for the summer adventure regatta. Participate in the unique animal adaptation auction, create a tree house and a safe way to travel from the house to the ground, and make a magical mini world in your own bottle terrarium. Four days will be spent at the Salem Willows and one day at Lynn Woods. Weather permitting, swimming will be an option. Register online
Science by LEGO II
June 23 – June 27, 2025
8:30 am-3:00 pm
Ages 6 to 11 * $335 per week or $75 per day
Engineering Extremes
August 18 – 22, 2025
8:30 am-3:00 pm
Ages 6 to 11 * $335 per week or $75 per day
Design new structures that can withstand the extremes of mother nature. Use simulations to test your structure designs and their abilities to withstand earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. Explore the field of biomimicry and look at nature to see how plants and animals withstand the extremes. Design new ways to prevent forces like wind and water from affecting a local area. Four days will be spent at the Salem Willows and one day at Winter Island. Weather permitting, swimming will be an option. Register online
Nature Agents
August 25 – 29, 2025
8:30 am-3:00 pm
Ages 6 to 11 * $335 per week or $75 per day
Become a nature agent and investigate the natural world around you. Use a GoPro and PVC pipes to create a balanced Baited Remote Underwater Viewer (BRUV) to film sea creatures in their natural habitat. Create your own fishing lure and get a taste of rod and reel fishing. Dissect an insect, use a seine net to inspect what might be living close to shore and utilize biomimicry to create a new invention that you can market to the public. Use microscopes to look for tessellations and patterns in nature and then make your own art inspired by what you discovered. Four days will be spent at the Salem Willows and one day at Forest River Park. Weather permitting, swimming will be an option. Register online
Teen Leadership Program
11 – 14 year-olds
Hours: 8:30 to 3:15
Fee: $125 per week
Offered both June and August
The Teen Leadership Program is for young people who are too young to have a job, but are interested in spending a week assisting our course teachers in the field, mentoring younger children, helping out with the activities for the day, supervising recess or play at the park. Teen Leaders (TL) will be given special assignments by their directing teacher and be responsible for various odd jobs that make the course run smoothly. Interest in science, animals, inventing and building with art materials, and using technology (Mac based) to create presentations — a plus.
TLs should have had previous experience working successfully with younger children, be able to work as a member of a team and have a basic understanding of how children learn through active exploration. 1-2 applicants will be accepted for each course.
Along with their Registration Form, interested TL applicants should send a list of their experiences working with young children and a letter that explains their interest in the program. On your Registration Form rank the courses in order of preference and submit your application by June 1st. You will then be invited for an interview and further clarification of our expectations.
Accepted applicants will meet with the course teacher before each session begins. They will work closely with course teachers and be given feedback on their performance. A final evaluation will be written that may be used as a recommendation for future summer employment with young children.
Questions: Call The Phoenix School at 978-741-0870 or email [email protected]
Refund Policy:
- between the registration date and up to 2 months (60 days) from the first date of the session – full refund less the $20 non-refundable administrative fee.
- between 59 days and 1 month (30 days) out from the first date of the session – refund 75%
- between 29 days and 2 weeks (14 days) out from the first date of the session – refund 50%
- less than 2 weeks from the session start date – refund 35%
- no advance notice – withdrawn or non-attendance on or after the start date of the session – no refund.
Staff Bios:
Mike Smith: Current Phoenix teacher, a past program director at New England Science & Sailing, a kayak guide in the San Juan Islands, a marine science naturalist on whale-watching vessels in New Jersey, a sailing and science instructor aboard Tall Ships in California, and teaching math, reading, and writing in a K-3 school in Nicaragua. He is also a director of Common Tides, a non-profit that provides free marine science and sailing programs to children from underserved communities. Mike is a Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor, NAUI Rescue Diver, ACA Coastal Kayak Certified, NSSIA SUP/Surf Instructor, and a USCG Master 100GT Captain.
Dave Morrill: Dave joined TPS in September 2022. Coming with experience in both private and public school settings, teaching those with behavioral, academic, or social challenges in inclusionary and sub-separate settings. Dave received his license in Special Education, Moderate Disabilities K-8, from Bridgewater State University as a part of his Masters’s program in 2021. He graduated from Endicott College in 2016 with a BA in Psychology and Education and began his M.Ed. S.P.E. in 2017.