“If it’s easy or you’re too comfortable, you’re not growing.”
When kids begin their Phoenix education, it often involves a process of unlearning common beliefs about mistakes. In a traditional education model, students are largely confined to the classroom and presented with standardized content which they are expected to memorize and demonstrate (often temporary) retention through worksheets and tests. This approach sends the message that mistakes are unwelcome. It also pressures our kids to be perfect and makes test scores the principal measure of success while neglecting to prepare students for their future. A future where flexibility and depth of thought, leadership and problem-solving skills, curiosity, perspective-taking, and cooperation are the skills most desired in today’s world.
At The Phoenix School, mistakes = learning.
What if the prevalent teaching methodology was turned on its head, and learning was encouraged through doing, being, exploring, experimenting, questioning, researching, designing, engineering, leadership, and other ways that engage students throughout their school day?
What if personalized education was a priority to support a student’s love for learning and gave them academic growth without boundaries?
What if students were given an active voice and role in the classroom and their education?
What if students were given the tools, ideas, and encounters to help them be the best versions of themselves?
Imagine the possibilities!
It exists…right here in Salem, MA and we are inviting you to come and visit our K-8 immersive partnership experience that cultivates leadership and problem-solving skills.
A school where project-based learning spans all subjects and gives students the opportunity to think deeply about topics of interest.
We don’t only ensure that students meet grade-specific standards. In our personalized learning environment, teachers work with each individual to identify areas that will enable the student to stretch beyond prescribed grade-level expectations.
Come and meet the Phoenix educators who are not just math or science teachers, but experts in student academic motivation, creating effective habits, and student empowerment.
Come and explore a school where…
- Learning is an adventure.
- Basic skills come alive as tools that lead to further knowledge, rather than ends in and of themselves.
- Excellence comes from challenge, curiosity, and persistence.
- Kids of different ages work and learn together in mutually beneficial ways. Respect for one another and taking responsibility for one’s actions are integral parts of the school experience.
- Kids and teachers of diverse backgrounds work and learn together.
- The creative arts are an integral part of the curriculum.
- Kids care – about themselves, their community, and the world.
- Parents are active partners in their child’s education.
- Teachers come to learn.