Purpose Driven Curriculum

Purpose Driven Curriculum

Tired of seeing your child come home with worksheets?

What would it look like if your child experienced a Purpose-Driven Curriculum that presented real-world problems for kids to solve?

Kids embrace curiosity and love for learning when they can make connections between what they are learning in school and how they can apply that to their everyday life. 

We create a Purpose-Driven Curriculum, where the core of our academics remains the same, but the overarching theme changes yearly. This gives us the gift of an evolving curriculum, covering current technology, global partnerships, and expert guest speakers. 

Students here are engaged learners because our educators think outside the box and create a challenging, hands-on & minds-on curriculum that has students solving real-world problems, daily. 

If your student has lost their SPARK for learning, it’s never too late to get it back! 

The Phoenix School provides an immersive educational experience that will give them the gift of becoming lifelong learners because they are always challenged at their own personal level.

Are you looking for a new school for your child? Get in touch today…https://phoenixschool.org/visit/

Is your child getting bored at school?

Is your child getting bored at school?

Imagine a school that….

  • has a purpose-driven curriculum 
  • intentionally shifts focus to ensure challenge + engagement
  • collaborates with individuals groups, and organizations to improve our community and the world
  • emphasizes the process

Phoenix has been practicing experience-driven and student-centered learning for over 4 decades, where innovation, discovery, and student empowerment are key learning skills taught in the classroom. 

Where global education and technology programs are a normal part of our day. 

Where your child will never hit their academic ceiling, because each student is challenged based on who they are, not what grade they are in.

We invite you to ask if Phoenix is the right fit for your child. 

Ask your questions below!

Phoenix Summer Adventure Kids

Phoenix Summer Adventure Kids

This past week the Phoenix Summer Adventure Kids went on adventures in the Salem Willows.

The theme of the week was Spies in the Wild, all about exploring how animals hide in nature.

Early in the morning, the kids started off by playing games to get ready for the day and finished each afternoon by visiting the beach and swimming together to round out their day.

On Monday they spent some time exploring the beach. They searched the beach for animal tracks, and each student drew the tracks in their journal. They made sure to pay good attention to how the tracks looked, so they could draw them and identify them later.

On Wednesday, the students had an adventure in the woods. The day’s activities were all about camouflage; the first thing the students did was each find an object in nature and attempt to camouflage it. They took their object and put it on a piece of paper, and using their art supplies they all drew backgrounds on the paper to try and hide the object in the background. After that, the kids created animal blinds to cover the lenses of cameras. The purpose of the blinds was to hide the camera (in this case the iPads) from animals, so they could record video of them. The kids were able to get a video of seagulls, as well as some video of robins using the iPad cameras.

On Friday the Phoenix Summer Adventure Kids continued their exploration of camouflage. For this activity, they each made their own creatures to hide in the woods. The kids got to choose whatever creature they wanted to make, real or fictional, and once they were all done they hid their creations along the trail. Afterward, the kids went back down the trail and all tried to find their fellow students’ creations. After they were done they all collected an item from the woods that they wanted to study. They took them back with them and they all used magnifying glasses and microscopes to look closely at the objects. While studying the objects the students all recorded what they saw by drawing it, to show what the objects looked like on a microscopic scale. At the end of the day on Friday, the kids reflected on the week’s adventures. Each kid thought back to their favorite moment of the week and drew that moment to record it.

Martial Arts for Teamwork, Collaboration and Skill Building.

On Wednesday of this year’s Adventure Week, the Phoenix Kids went to do a workshop with two self-defense instructors at Forged Martial Arts Studio. The kids did some exercises, some games, and some drills to help them do better teamwork and learn about self-defense.

The instructors started by having the kids do some warm-up exercises to get them ready and making sure everyone was excited to participate. The students were super energetic and excited while warming up, and they kept that energy through the whole day. The students were great at listening to the instructors and following the directions. 

The first priority of the instructors was safety, making sure the kids were always safe. They gave very specific instructions and the kids did a great job following them. The older kids were great and helped the other kids focus their energy, and helped the instructors keep everyone safe. A lot of the focus of one of the games was teamwork and leadership; the game was for teams to silently work together to form the shape of a letter or number. The kids got the hang of it really quickly, and the older kids were great student leaders.

After all the warming up and playing tag games the instructors started teaching the kids some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But before they started they started teaching any techniques they talked to the kids about bullying. They made sure that the students knew that the point of martial arts isn’t to fight, to only use it as a last resort if someone tries to hurt you physically, and that talking should always be what you try to do first.

After they made sure all the kids understood they started practicing techniques for defending themselves if someone tries to tackle them. The kids had a lot of fun wrestling with each other on the mats while the instructors made sure everyone stayed safe. The instructors finished up by talking about the philosophy of martial arts, and how it’s about self-discipline and learning from one another. The Phoenix Kids made sure to all thank their instructors for what they learned before heading back to the school to eat lunch.

Cassandra, Montserrat Intern



Two weeks ago Rotary welcomed the Phoenix School as the students gave a presentation on their recent trip to the Everglades.
Prior to leaving, students completed research on what to expect when they arrived in Florida, specifically the plants and animals they might encounter. Upon arriving in the Everglades, the students were amazed at how many alligators they saw, along with the amount of wading birds, especially little blue herons.
The presentation included drawings, photos, sketches, and excerpts from journals that the students kept while on the trip.
The highlights of the trip included a solo walk at night when they first arrived. The focus of this walk was to use their ears instead of their eyes, and they certainly heard a lot of sounds in the darkness.
This was followed by walking the Anhinga Trail the next day where the students saw many alligators, mangroves, and water lilies.
Another highlight of the trip was the Slough Slog where the students got right in the waters with alligators and cypress trees nearby. They came out of the water soggy but happy!
Students also went canoeing down a canal, which they loved. They did have to pay attention and got very wet, especially Charlie who fell in the water. They saw lots of wildlife while on the canoes, notably crocodiles and many birds.
The trip wrapped up with a 15-mile bike ride where the students had the chance to climb a tour. A final highlight was a trip to “Robert Was Here”, a fruit stand that makes delicious smoothies that has been around for 63 years.
The Phoenix School students stayed at a hostel in Florida where they got work done, journaled, ate, and had fun. It even had a huge treehouse!
When the trip was wrapping up, students reviewed their journals and compared notes. It was clearly a trip of a lifetime where students learned a lot about the natural world.