We are so excited to announce we have partnered with Montserrat College to offer volunteer internship positions. Today we are introducing you to Cassandra who is our Communications Intern. We feel so fortunate to have such talented young adults working with us!
Hello, My name is Cassandra (She/They), and I’m going to be interning at the Phoenix School as a Communications intern. I’m an animator, illustrator, photographer, and writer currently enrolled at Montserrat College of Art in Beverly. My job at the Phoenix School will be to help create images and writing to help spread awareness of the Phoenix School. I had a similar elementary school experience to the one offered by the Phoenix School, so I’m excited to be able to help provide the wonderful education I received to the next generation.
My main artistic passion is animation. I think it’s entirely unique in the way it combines other forms of art, and I think the things you can do with it are absolutely amazing. In addition to my other contributions to the Phoenix School, I’ll be running a short workshop on creating simple animations with flipbooks. This was my first introduction to creating animation when I was little, so I’m very excited by the opportunity to help introduce it to the Phoenix kids.
I’ll also be contributing my photography experience to the Phoenix School. I’ll be accompanying students on some of their excursions to places like the PEM and taking pictures to record those adventures they go on. I love photography for its ability to capture a moment in life, and I’m excited to use that ability to showcase the strengths of the Phoenix School. Every form of art I do has different strengths, and I’m excited to use all of them to contribute here.